
Showing posts from June, 2019

Past 505 Report Review

In preparation for my impending project proposal, I took a look back at Project Reports turned in for completion of the same 505 course that of which I am currently enrolled. This review will help me to understand all necessary deliverables and format for my own report (topic is still TBD). With the exception of STEADY35, I deliberately chose to review projects which were completed in a summer term. This helps to inspire me to accomplish just as much in a seemingly short period of time.

Bio (A Working Title)

Hello! My name is Danny Brito. I am a big-time design enthusiast and repeatedly beguiled by the design of spaces. I am a self-described curious, engaging, and friendly person. As of now, I’ve reached the official homestretch of my undergrad at SFSU’s School of Design, where I study Industrial Design. Here at SFSU, I focus my efforts on a concentration in product design and development. My forging interests extend beyond the design of any one singular product and into the impact in which the larger, nearby environment is affected by goods or services. My vision for the following 8 weeks includes finding an opportunity where I may participate in civic engagement by offering a creative solution to real and modern urban problems. These opportunities may include, but are not limited to: A proposal to launch a pilot program to update urban street lighting in an effort to reduce the anxieties and stressors of city nightlife, or  Establish a fu